The PEI Human Rights Commission and the PEI Public Service Commission held a ceremony on December 10 at the Atlantic Technology Centre to mark International Human Rights Day. On this date in 1948, the United Nations’ General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which outlines political, equality, economic, social and cultural rights. Canada used the Declaration, drafted by Canadian John P. Humphrey and Eleanor Roosevelt, as a blueprint to develop our own human rights laws, including the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Canadian Human Rights Act and the PEI Human Rights Act.
Premier Pat Binns attended the event and recognized the work of two provincial government employees by presenting them with the Third Annual Premier’s Award for Diversity Leadership. The award was created when the PEI Government adopted the Diversity and Equity policy in May 2002, and is given to individuals or groups in the public service who show leadership in creating a diverse, welcoming, and inclusive workplace. This year’s award recipients were Susan MacLeod, Director of Staffing and Human Resource Planning for the PEI Public Service Commission, and Myra Thorkelson, Aboriginal and Diversity Education Specialist for the Department of Education.
“All Islanders benefit from a public service workforce that recognizes, respects and values our diversity. This celebration of diversity really has a trickle down effect in that our government employees become more aware of the diversity of the Island public we serve. The work that is being done by all our community groups to promote diversity is of upmost importance, especially as we look to make PEI a welcoming home for new immigrants,” said Premier Binns.
This year’s event also marked the United Nations’ International Year for the Commemoration of the Struggle against Slavery and its Abolition. Ann Maxwell of Black Islanders’ Cooperative spoke on some research this newly formed group is doing into the history of black Islanders. A ceremony was held at the site of unmarked graves of a black Island family known as the Potters in Highfield Cemetery on November 28. That ceremony was dedicated to all black Islanders who lie in unmarked graves.
Singer Ruth Mathiang, a native of the Sudan, ended the December 10 ceremony with her song entitled “African Butterfly,” from a new CD she is working on. The song speaks to the plight of the people of Darfur in her home country and a hope that peace will come to them soon.
The PEI Human Rights Commission recognizes the various community groups in PEI that work throughout the year to advance human rights. The Commission encourages everyone to reflect upon the philosophy underlying the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights,” on this important anniversary.