Meeting with his counterparts across the country today, Minister of Environment, Energy and Forestry Jamie Ballem agreed to work toward a new environmental sustainability framework for Canada.
The objective of the framework is to attain the highest level of environmental quality as a means to enhance the well-being of Canadians, preserve and protect the natural environment, and advance long-term competitiveness, while respecting the jurisdictions of each government.
Federal, provincial and territorial environment ministers at the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) meeting in Ottawa, Ontario, noted that more emphasis is being placed globally on the emerging role of environmental sustainability. Citizens, investors and markets are all demanding improved environmental performance and, for that reason, environmental sustainability is emerging as a key ingredient for competitiveness and success.
“In addition to responding to this increased emphasis on the relationship between environment and economy, an environmental sustainability framework will provide the opportunity to achieve more effective federal/provincial relations when it comes to environmental management. And, ultimately, that will result in better service to Islanders,” said Minister Ballem.
Ministers will meet again in March 2005 to agree on a draft framework that will serve as a basis for consultations toward a framework agreement which will be reviewed by ministers in June before they seek approval within their respective jurisdictions by the fall of 2005.
Minister Ballem said ministers discussed several other environmental issues that are priorities for Prince Edward Island including climate change, waste management, and water protection. Among the developments at the meeting, ministers:
• provided advice to the federal Minister of Environment as part of his preparations for the upcoming review of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999;
• explored options to reduce emissions from wood-burning appliances, which release various air pollutants and are a primary source of winter smog in some municipalities;
• received a report on the development of a national strategy for municipal wastewater effluent to be completed in 2006; and
• noted with satisfaction the development and release of Canada-wide principles for electronics product stewardship since the 2003 CCME meeting.
Also at today’s meeting, Minister Ballem suggested to his counterparts that a future meeting of the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment include discussion on encouraging industry to use more recycled material in packaging and to reduce unnecessary packaging. The Provincial Environmental Advisory Council recently expressed concerns about packaging in a meeting with Minister Ballem and asked him to raise the issue with his counterparts across the country.
CCME is the major intergovernmental forum in Canada for discussion and joint action on environmental issues of national and international concern. Further information on the environment ministers’ meeting, including the ministers’ joint communiqué and backgrounders, can be found on the CCME Web site at