The Taxation and Property Records division of the Provincial Treasury is pleased to announce businesses can now pay their Revenue Taxes (Provincial Sales Tax and Environment Tax) on-line through the division’s Web site:
“Up until now, most businesses either sent someone to the Taxation Office to make payments in person or they mailed in their payment,” says Minister Mitch Murphy. “Now, they can make payments any time of day – without leaving their place of business.”
Submitting a payment is a simple process: upon accessing the Web site, users look under Popular Topics, select Forms and click Vendor Return. Instructions will guide users through registering for on-line transactions. Upon receiving confirmation of their registration and a password, payments can then be submitted. Once a payment has been made, the user will receive a confirmation number.
Testing has been completed and the service went live on September 15, 2004. To date, more than 40 businesses have taken advantage of this new way to pay their Revenue Tax. In order to ensure privacy and security, financial transactions are processed by the Office of the Comptroller in an internet secure environment.
The Revenue Tax On-Line project is a joint initiative of Taxation and Property Records, the Comptroller’s Office, Information Technology Management Group (ITMG) and the Department of Development and Technology. This is the first of several convenient on-line services that Taxation and Property Records plan to offer to both corporations and individuals.
“This is our first real step towards e-government,” says Provincial Tax Commissioner James Ramsay. “We expect the new services, such as the ability to pay Revenue Tax on-line, will improve quality of service and save clients both time and money.”