The Honourable Elmer MacFadyen, Minister of Community and Cultural Affairs has indicated that the public response to recent changes in library overdue policy introducing late return charges has been overwhelmingly positive.
“I am pleased that the number of overdue books has decreased by 60 per cent since the introduction of this policy in April,” said Minister MacFadyen. “By returning materials on time, not only are library members avoiding late charges, more importantly, books and other materials are available for all members of the community to use.”
Library staff have reported that most members of the public have recognized the need for the new policy and are ensuring their borrowed materials are returned or renewed on time. This policy ensures that more people enjoy access to library materials. The changes which introduced overdue charges have not resulted in any reduction in the use of the library and have increased the turn-over of popular fiction publications which previously had long waiting lists.
The Provincial Library Service has also introduced a number of new or improved services to deal with circulation issues. Library users can renew their materials on line and there has been a 67 per cent increase in the number of people who use this service. To avoid charges, renewing material can be done by telephone, e-mail or in person. Materials may be returned at any public library, not just the library the materials were borrowed from. The library has also been e-mailing about 800 pre-overdue notices per week as a courtesy to notify people who are about to have items become due. Library members can see their account, renew materials and add their e-mail address to their record at the my Account link at or by contacting their local library.