Minister of Fisheries and Environment Kevin J. MacAdam has announced that the Wildlife Habitat Improvement Program, an initiative to assist in the protection and enhancement of wildlife habitats, is now accepting project applications for the 1997 season. "This program offers a range of support to organizations and community groups involved in wildlife habitat initiatives including direct financial assistance, and technical support," said Mr. MacAdam.
Similar to last year, wildlife habitat initiatives that involve protection or management of wildlife habitats on private or crown lands will be eligible for consideration under the program. Priority consideration will be given to applications that promote protection and management of wildlife habitats in watershed riparian zones; address soil erosion sources adversely affecting wildlife habitats; establish or maintain wildlife corridors; and address adverse habitat conditions in streams and rivers.
The program will provide up to a 50 percent contribution toward the total cost of an approved project with a maximum contribution of $5,000 to any one project.
Mr. MacAdam holds up the Wildlife Habitat Improvement Program as an excellent example of what can be accomplished by working together. "Over the last several years the interest and dedication of community-based groups pursuing wildlife habitat initiatives have resulted in significant habitat improvement across the province. Without this support the province would be hard pressed to realize these positive changes," noted Mr. MacAdam. In 1996 over 60 projects submitted by over 40 community groups were supported under the Wildlife Habitat Improvement Program.
Mr. MacAdam encourages all interested groups to contact the Department of Fisheries and Environment for more information and application forms on the Wildlife Habitat Improvement Program.
For more information contact Bruce Smith, Fish and Wildlife Division at 368-6081