Kevin J. MacAdam, Minister of Fisheries and Environment today announced the recipients of the 1997 Prince Edward Island Environmental Awards. "The Award recipients have tackled the environmental challenges that each of us faces," said the Minister. "They have made a difference to our Island environment and I am very pleased to honour these individuals and organizations for their efforts."
Honoured this year for their environmental endeavours:
Individual Citizen: Neil and Sally Bennett, Seaview, PEI
Business: Seaman's Beverages, Charlottetown, PEI
Organization: Todd Dupuis, Atlantic Salmon Federation (PEI)
Education: Jackie Waddell, Riverdale, PEI
Announced each year during Environment Week, the Awards were established to recognize and honour Islanders for their special commitment to the environment. Awards are presented in each of four categories: individual citizen; industry, business or government agency; citizen groups or organization; and education. Nominated by other Islanders for their environmental efforts, the PEI Environmental Advisory Council (EAC) selects the winners. The Council is an advisory board to the Minister of Fisheries and Environment.
While citing the winners for their work, the Minister noted that all across Prince Edward Island, individuals, groups and businesses show concern and take action to preserve and enhance the environment. "Our Award recipients are deserving of recognition, but I would also like to take the opportunity to recognize the hundreds of committed individuals, businesses, educators and citizen groups that work tirelessly to protect our environment. They are also deserving of recognition and our thanks," said Mr. MacAdam. The Minister encouraged all Islanders to continue their efforts to protect the Island environment.
For more information, contact Alan Godfrey, Dept. of Fisheries and Environment, at (902) 368-5274.