Schools Plant Trees to Celebrate 200 Years of Learning

* Education [to Apr 2008]
Students at 69 Island schools are planting red oak trees this spring to celebrate 2004, the Year of Learning and Innovation.

Education minister Mildred Dover said this is one of several exciting school activities that will commemorate the strong roots put down 200 years ago when land was dedicated for the province’s first college in 1804. ”Trees are a symbol of knowledge and life, a concept that students of all ages can understand and relate to,” said Minister Dover. “As the trees grow, they will remind us that our excellent education system was made possible by generations of Islanders who shared our strong belief in the importance of lifelong learning and in the value of education.”

The 10-foot red oak trees have been provided by the Greening Spaces program which is coordinated by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries, Aquaculture and Forestry. “The planting of our provincial tree at all Island schools is an appropriate way to celebrate this great milestone in our province,” said Honourable Kevin MacAdam, Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries, Aquaculture and Forestry. “The trees will also help to beautify school properties and create greener, healthier places for students to learn.”

Schools have several projects in place to celebrate the bicentennial of higher education in Prince Edward Island. Elementary students will each create a leaf that will be part of a travelling tree mural depicting the kind of persons they would like to become. Intermediate level students will participate in a project to reflect on past, present and future technologies in learning. High school students can enter photography and essay contests on early Island schools which will form the basis for a 2005 calendar on learning in Prince Edward Island.

Media Contact: Jean Doherty