Islanders Honoured For Environmental Efforts

* Environment & Energy [to Oct 2004]
A group of Prince Edward Island citizens who have made an outstanding contribution to the Island environment were honoured at a special ceremony at Government House Monday evening.

Minister of Environment and Energy Jamie Ballem marked the start of Environment Week with the presentation of the 2004 Prince Edward Island Environmental Awards. The awards recognize the environmental efforts of individuals, businesses, educators, citizen groups and youth.

“The theme of Environment Week this year, Taking Action for Our Environment, is an appropriate description of this year’s award winners,” said Minister Ballem. “While their specific contributions are varied, all of the recipients have clearly shown how individual action can protect and enhance our Island environment.”

Following are the recipients of the 2004 Prince Edward Island Environmental Awards:

-Individual Citizen, recognizing exemplary efforts by Island citizens to protect, preserve or enhance the environment – David Latimer.

-Business or Government Agency, recognizing organizations that provide services, products or labour that have low environmental impact and act as a model for sustainable economic activity – Superior Sanitation Ltd.

-Citizen Group or Organization, recognizing grassroots groups that make a special commitment to PEI's environment – Winter River Environmental Committee Inc.

-Education, recognizing outstanding environmental efforts by groups or individuals in the areas of academia or public education – Grand Tracadie Elementary School.

-Youth, recognizing individuals under the age of 25 who have made an outstanding contribution to a healthy environment – Thea Campbell.

Nominations for the Environmental Awards were received from across the province. A selection committee comprised of members of the Minister's Environmental Advisory Council had the difficult task of reviewing the nominations and recommending the recipients. Minister Ballem thanked the selection committee and all Islanders who took the time to recognize the efforts of their friends and neighbours by submitting a nomination.

“The calibre of nominations was outstanding. We are fortunate that so many Island citizens, of all ages and from all walks of life, work tirelessly to protect and enhance the environment,” said Minister Ballem. “I thank this year’s nominees for their dedication and invite all Islanders to consider how they can take action for our environment.”


Individual Citizens: David Latimer

Mr. Latimer has spearheaded a watershed enhancement project on the Brackley and Covehead Bays. Efforts have included in-stream enhancement work, development of a community nursery, and planting trees along the river to improve the riparian zone. He visits the project site virtually every day; has conducted numerous on-site interviews to raise public awareness; coordinated landowner contact; and solicited support from the farming community. Mr. Latimer was also instrumental in revitalizing the Community Watershed Coalition to bring together coordinators of watershed groups throughout the province; and he was a catalyst for the new watershed management course offered recently at UPEI.

Business or Government Agency: Superior Sanitation

Superior Sanitation is recognized for its actions to reduce the silt load of an intermittent stream which feeds into a tributary of Ellen’s Creek. The stream runs behind the company’s main office which is located in an industrial area, near Mount Edward Road and the Charlottetown bypass. Superior Sanitation established a pond which traps silt before it enters the lower part of the stream system. With the addition of a grassed area and trees, this has also provided habitat for a wide variety of wildlife. The efforts of Superior Sanitation will allow enhancement work downstream to continue without the intrusion of large amounts of sediment.

Citizen Group or Organization: Winter River Environmental Committee Inc.

The Winter River Environmental Committee is dedicated to conserve and protect the Winter River watershed. The group has carried out stream enhancement initiatives; placed bird nesting habitat boxes along the river; and enhanced the Hardy Mill Pond area with park benches, picnic tables, walking paths, a revitalized boat ramp and a fishing platform for physically challenged individuals. Recognizing the importance of raising public awareness, the group also distributes a newsletter, has held numerous public meetings, interacts closely with property owners bordering the Winter River, and hosts the annual Winter River Activity Days.

Education: Grand Tracadie Elementary School

Grand Tracadie holds the status of a “Jade” school for the completion of more than 250 environmentally friendly projects. One of the school’s larger projects in recent years is the Green Space Play Space project which has encouraged students to become more active in the natural environment. Seventy trees have been planted around the school; a gazebo and benches with planters have been built; and outdoor playground equipment has been installed. Among the many other examples of Grand Tracadie’s environmental efforts, students participate in the Adopt-an-Eagle program, raise salmon to release into the Morell River, have excelled in contests with an environmental theme.

Youth: Thea Grace Campbell

While a student at Charlottetown Rural High School, Miss Campbell organized many programs to promote environmental awareness including a recycling competition between classes; and a clean-up project where each class was assigned a section of the school grounds that they were responsible for keeping clear of litter. Following high school, she spent a year in Costa Rica teaching recycling, and at the age of 21, she has just completed her first year in the architecture program at Carleton University where she continues to influence her fellow students. This past year, she designed and built an attractive container for cigarette butts to reduce litter on campus. Miss Campbell plans to pursue a career in environmental architecture, designing sustainable, energy efficient buildings.

Media Contact: Sandra Lambe