The PEI Human Rights Commission and the PEI Public Service Commission held a ceremony today, Dec. 10, at the Charlottetown Hotel at 12 noon, to mark the 55th Anniversary of the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights. On this date in 1948, 50 countries signed the Declaration, which outlines political, equality, economic, social and cultural rights. Canada used the Declaration, drafted by Canadian John P. Humphrey and Eleanor Roosevelt, as a blueprint to develop our own human rights laws, including the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Canadian Human Rights Act and the PEI Human Rights Act.
Premier Pat Binns attended the event and recognized the work of three provincial government employees by presenting them with the Second Annual Award for Diversity Leadership. The award is given to individuals or groups as a means to honor public servants who show leadership in creating a diverse, welcoming, and inclusive public sector workplace. There were seven nominations of individuals, groups and departments received from various public service organizations. The award recipients were Beryl Bujosevich, Sheri Coles, and Irwin Campbell, all managers in the Information Services Division of the Provincial Treasury.
The Provincial Government adopted a Diversity and Equity Policy in May 2002 designed to support an innovative and inclusive workforce which, at all levels, is representative of the diverse population it serves. The policy recognizes "diversity of individuals" as a basic human right and makes use of the full range of talents and perspectives available to the business of government. The policy also supports four designated groups who have experienced employment disadvantages in the past and are currently under represented in the workplace. These groups include: Aboriginal Peoples, Members of Visible Minorities, Persons with Disabilities, Women in Leadership and Management, and Women and Men in Non-Traditional Occupations.
Erick Silva, President of the Association for Newcomers to Canada, emphasized the importance of diversity and equity policies. "Policies such as the one adopted by the Provincial Government are extremely important in advancing the principles behind the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It is a great opportunity, not just for those who have faced barriers in the past, but also for everyone in the workplace to learn more about other cultures and people facing these barriers."
Sandra Bentley, Senior Policy Advisor to the Minister responsible for the Status Women, presented a "Diversity Calendar" on behalf of the province's Diversity Advisory Committee and the Interministerial Women's Secretariat. The calendar highlights women and men working in non-traditional roles throughout the public service and marks various religious and cultural holidays celebrated throughout the year.
The PEI Human Rights Commission encourages everyone to reflect upon the philosophy underlying the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that, "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights," on this important anniversary.