Potatoes Receive Top Prize at the Royal

* Agriculture, Fisheries, Aquaculture & Forestry [to Oct 2004]
Prince Edward Island potato growers virtually swept every top prize in the Seed Potato division of the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair. Jewell Produce Company of York, Prince Edward Island captured both the Champion and Reserve ribbons and were conferred with the Canadian Horticultural Council International award. In individual sections, they took three firsts and a second.

Vessey Produce, also of York, was right there ensuring that it was a clean sweep for the Island. They nabbed two red ribbons with their Russet Burbanks and Red/Rose skinned varieties and two seconds in the Eramosa and Yellow fleshed variety. Skyview Farms Ltd, New Haven, walked away with the rest of the prizes by taking two firsts in the Sebago/Kennebec and Russet Norkotah sections and a second with Superiors.

In the Table Stock Potato division, Vessey Produce was declared the Champion winner. They were also named the winner of the Ontario Potato Board award for Table Stock Potatoes. They received two firsts for their Russet Burbank and Yukon Gold varieties and two seconds in the Eramosa and Red or Roseskinned sections. Jewell Produce Company were named winners of the Commercial Feature Exhibit open to growers, dealers and co-ops. They also topped the Eramosa section, while Randy Jewell came in first with his Superiors. Skyview Farms harvested two seconds and two thirds in the Table Stock sections.

Jordan Jewell, York, emerged the Champion winner in the Novice Potato Division when his Yukon Gold entry was named the winner. Marc Thibedeau of York was awarded second prize in the same section, while Logan Docherty of New Haven took a fourth. Cecil Godfrey took a third prize in the garden and gourmet potato competition as well as a sixth with a Russet Burbank entry and an eleventh placing for his Early Maturing variety. Logan Docherty also picked up a seventh with his Long Russet entry.

Following are the results:


Superior: 1. Jewell Produce, 2. Skyeveiw Farms Ltd.

Russett Burbank: 1. Vessey Produce, 2. Jewell Produce Company

Eramosa: 1. Jewell Produce Company, 2. Vessey Produce

Sebago, Kennebec or other white: 1. Skyeview Farm

Yukon Gold: 1. Jewell Produce, 2. Vessey Produce

Russeta Norkotah: 1. Skyeview Farm

Norland or other Red/Rose skinned: 1. Vessey Produce

Champion and Reserve: 1. Jewell Produce Company, 2. Jewell Produce Company

Canadian Horticultural Council International Award, Jewell Produce Company


Superior: 1. Randy Jewell, 3. Skyeview Farm

Russett Burbank: 1. Vessey Produce

Eramosa, Irish Cobbler, Warba, Jemseg: 1. Jewell Produce, 2. Vessey Produce

Sebago, Kennebec Cherokee or other whites: 2. Skyeview Farm

Yukon Gold: 1. Vessey Produce, 2. Randy Jewell, 3. Skyeview Farm

Russet Norkotah, Frontier: 1. Skyeview Farm

Norland or other Red or Roseskinned: 2. Vessey Produce

Champion: Vessey Produce

Commercial Feature Exhibit: Jewell Produce Company

Ontario Potato Board Award: Vessey Produce


Early Maturing Superior, Jemseg or other Early: 3. Jordan Jewell, 7. Marc Thibedeau, 8. Logan Docherty, 11. Cecil Godfrey

Yellow Flesh: 1. Jordan Jewell, 2. Marc Thibedeau, 4. Logan Docherty

Long Russet: 3. Jordan Jewell, 4. Marc Thibedeau, 6. Cecil Godfrey, 7. Logan Docherty

Garden & Gourmet or Unusual Potato: 3. Cecil Godfrey

Champion: Jordan Jewell

Media Contact: Wayne MacKinnon