Minister Gives OK To Aids Education Curriculum

* Education [to Apr 2008]
Minister of Education Gordon MacInnis has accepted the Grade 9 AIDS Education Review Committee's recommendations regarding the Skills for Healthy Relationship support materials. The nod of approval followed more than a year of examination and review by the committee.

"I am pleased to announce that I have accepted the report and recommendations as put forth by the Committee," said Minister MacInnis. "I would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate and thank the members of the group for the many hours and hard work they put into this assignment." The committee was comprised of parent, trustee, teacher, principal and Department of Education representatives.

MacInnis says the need for AIDS education is clear and represents part of the education system's responsibility to provide students with both the information they need to make informed, responsible choices and the skills necessary to achieve personal goals. "Some of the concerns from parents and teachers focussed on the fact that the old program lacked an emphasis on abstinence, was too explicit, had mixed messages and contained too much material," continued the Minister. "These issues are remedied within the recommendations I've approved. The new program will be an age-appropriate, abstinence based program that provides concise information on the contraction, transmission, prevention and treatment of AIDS."

Committee member Jim Killorn agrees. "We reviewed programs from schools across the country and chose the best of these to form a program for Island students," said Killorn, principal of East Wiltshire Junior High. "Parents can feel confident that their children are getting a quality program that has been rigorously reviewed by their peers."

MacInnis also noted his appreciation to parents, teachers and other groups from across the province for their interest in the issue. "Thanks to the cooperation of these groups, I think we've reached a fair compromise that most parents and community groups will be pleased with," said the Minister. The Department received comments from 16 groups and 39 individuals. As well, Home and School associations reported high levels of feedback from the four jointly sponsored meetings held across the province.

Committee member Rosemary Batchilder says the consultation process was integral to achieving this consensus. "The process ensured input from all groups and individuals concerned. It allowed us to move to a stage where everyone on the committee was in agreement with the final product," said the member representing the Eastern School District. "As both a parent and committee member, I am very pleased that the Minister accepted our recommendations."

Core resources, including student texts and videos, will be made available to all schools by January 1997, in time for second semester. This multi-resource approach reinforces the goals of the Intermediate Family Life curriculum. Local teachers will be contacted to assist in the development of a teacher resource guide.

Program in-servicing for teachers will be conducted throughout the year. In accordance with the recommendations, parents will be required to sign an "opt in" form if they wish their children to take the course. As well, schools are required to provide parents with an opportunity to obtain information on the new program. A Standing Committee comprised of Home and School, teachers, administrators, board and Department representatives will be established to oversee implementation of the program.

The Department of Education became aware of concerns regarding the former AIDS education component during the 1994-95 school year. As a result, the Minister of Education announced the program was put "on hold" pending a curriculum review and all materials were withdrawn from schools. In mid-May more than 500 copies of the Committee's recommendations and proposed student text were circulated for comment to all Island schools, school boards, superintendents, the PEI Teachers' Federation, the PEI Home & School Federation, C.U.P.E. and La Fédération des parents de l'Île-du-Prince-Édouard.

Media Contact: Lori Smith