Conference Positive For PEI, Says Callbeck

Premier's Office
Premier Callbeck says that PEI should benefit from a number of the decisions reached at the Annual Premiers' Conference just concluded in Jasper, Alberta.

"As the conference began, I was concerned about the apparent interest by some provinces in pursuing a massive decentralization of social policy and funding sources to the provinces. Such an initiative could lead to significant differences in social programs from one region to another, and undermine the social programs that many of us see as the hallmark of our country," said Callbeck. "I am pleased that premiers reaffirmed their commitment to the process we agreed upon at the First Ministers' Conference in June. This decision acknowledges that the federal government has, and should continue to have, a significant role in maintaining national social programs which promote equality of access and opportunity for all Canadians."

At the same time, says Callbeck, the premiers affirmed that provinces also have a leadership role in renewing social programs, as they assume responsibility for a growing share of its costs. "The decisions taken at the conference demonstrate the provinces' capacity to share in renewing social programs. I am particularly pleased that premiers agreed to put top priority on exploring options for a new national child benefit program," noted Callbeck.

Premiers reviewed a social policy issues paper prepared for their consideration, and accepted its eight recommendations. They put priority on the recommendation tasking social services ministers to develop options for premiers on how the existing patchwork of income support and tax credit programs could be brought together into an integrated program that provides fair support to low-income families.

"We are living in a time of major changes in our society, our economy, and our labour market," said Premier Callbeck. "Too many families are struggling to keep their heads above water. We have asked our ministers to design a program which will help reduce child poverty, and which will assist all low-income families, including those who are working. We want the program to help families stay in the labour market."

Premier Callbeck also noted the progress which had been made on several initiatives to boost economic growth and job creation, including guidelines for a new infrastructure program, to be carried out within existing fiscal frameworks. "My government has placed priority on economic development and jobs during the past several years, because a strong economy is the foundation for our social well-being," said Callbeck. "Every job that is created brings greater security and hope to another Island family. I am pleased that premiers agreed on a number of measures to support and sustain continued long-term growth in every region of Canada."

The conference closed on Friday morning with a discussion of rebalancing roles and responsibilities. Premiers agreed to take a coordinated approach to tracking the federal government's initiatives to devolve responsibility to provinces in a number of non-social policy areas. Particular concern was expressed about federal off-loading of responsibilities, and premiers agreed to a united approach in securing compensation that gave provinces the funding to assume new responsibilities.

Premiers' decision to work together on these issues is positive for PEI, says Callbeck. "I made it clear at the conference that, while PEI has made major progress in the past few years, we cannot take on further new responsibilities unless we have the resources to do the job. Any new arrangements have to take account of the differing needs, strengths, and capacities of Canadian provinces. In rebalancing federal and provincial roles and responsibilities, we must strengthen, rather than undermine, the ability of all partners in the Canadian federation to meet the challenges of the future."

At the close of the conference, a number of premiers paid tribute and bid farewell to Premier Callbeck, wishing her all the best in her future endeavours. "Catherine has been a valued member of this group over the past several years, and has achieved a great deal for PEI," said Frank McKenna of New Brunswick. "We will miss her wise counsel, and her participation in these meetings."

For more information contact: Wendy MacDonald, Executive Council, Tel: (902) 368-4511.

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