Literacy Strategy Presented to Premier and Minister

* Office of Higher Education [to Oct 1996]
In a report to Premier Catherine Callbeck and the Hon. Paul Connolly, Minister Responsible for the Office of Higher Education, Training and Adult Learning, the steering committee responsible for developing a strategy for adult literacy education, found that Prince Edward Island's economic self-sufficiency is increasingly dependent on high level literacy skills. For 2,000 Islanders who cannot read and for the other 3,000 who can read only simple materials, low literacy skills are a complex problem.

The Committee, whose goal was to determine how adult literacy can be made accessible and affordable to all adult learners on Prince Edward Island, determined that shrinking resources and the new Employment Insurance Act are factors that will have a major impact on literacy issues.

Minister Paul Connolly in commending the committee said, "it is obvious committee members brought an enormous amount of experience, knowledge and energy to the discussions." He expressed his gratitude to Lillian Mead, an adult learner who presented the concerns of adult learners in the Province. Ms. Mead expressed her pleasure in seeing the needs of learners addressed in the report.

The committee was formed following recommendation cited in a 1995 report for a planning process to establish a provincial policy framework for adult literacy programs. Committee members include: volunteer literacy workers, educators, parties that provide funding and government officials, bring a broad range of experience in adult education and specifically adult literacy.

Premier Callbeck in responding to the Committee stated, "the Government of Prince Edward Island recognizes the serious implication of low literacy levels for some Island people. Economically sustainable communities depend upon a highly literate workforce. Your report will provide a framework for the means of addressing this issue."

The report will be released at a later date following detailed briefing by Cabinet.

Media Contact: Barbara Macnutt