The Prince Edward Island Human Rights Commission And The Canadian Association of Statutory Human Rights Agencies Present "Human Rights at Work"

A National Conference on developments in employment issues in human rights May 26-28, 2002

The Prince Edward Island Human Rights Commission is hosting "Human Rights at Work", an annual national conference of the Canadian Association of Statutory Human Rights Agencies (CASHRA), at the Delta Prince Edward in Charlottetown beginning on Sunday, May 26th and ending Tuesday, May 28th. The event will attract delegates from across the country.

There are a series of panel seminars on timely human rights issues, such as "Women at Work", "Promoting Diversity", "Aboriginal Employment Issues", "Mediating Human Rights Disputes", "Political Belief Discrimination","Accommodating Persons with Disabilities", "Privacy/Drug and Alcohol Testing" and "Age Discrimination". Guest speakers include Nancy Riche, Secretary Treasurer of the Canadian Labour Congress, Commissioner Nurjehan Mawani from the Public Service Commission of Canada, the Honourable Lois Wilson from the Senate Standing Committee on Human Rights. The Conference will conclude with a luncheon at the Atlantic Tourism and Hospitality Institute with the launch of the Government of PEI's Workplace Diversity & Employment Equity Policy on May 28, 2002.

George S. Kells, Chairperson of the Prince Edward Island Human Rights Commission said the event will focus on important issues regarding the rights of the employer and employee within the workplace.

For further information on or to register for "Human Rights at Work" Conference, log onto the CASHRA website at OR contact Donna Dennison, Events & Management Plus Inc. at OR 613-531-9210, OR contact the PEI Human Rights Commission at 1-800-237-5031, 902-368-5021, OR visit us at 98 Water Street. To receive more information about the PEI Human Rights Commission's activities, visit our web site at

Media Contact: Island Information Service