Atlantic Women's Justice Caucus Created

The PEI Advisory Council on the Status of Women has joined with other women's organizations from the region to form the Atlantic Women's Justice Caucus. Caucus members met recently in Moncton for a roundtable on justice issues of particular concern to women and, during those discussions, determined that coordinated regional action would help Atlantic Canadian women achieve equity within their justice systems.

The group has targeted four issues: violence against women, family legal aid, custody and access, and alternative dispute resolution. Participants have updated each other on activities within their own provinces and have prepared communication and lobbying strategies so that women's organizations can contribute to provincial and federal justice reforms with unity and consistency.

PEI Caucus participants were pleased to report increased provincial government interest in anti-violence work but, once again, were dismayed to learn about the disparity between what Islanders can expect from their legal aid office and what other Atlantic Canadians receive as a matter of course. For example, Newfoundland offers family legal aid to all income-eligible applicants whereas Prince Edward Island offers this service only in cases of immediate danger.

All Caucus members were concerned about possible amendments to the federal Divorce Act. They have participated in national consultations and have urged their provincial justice ministers to work to ensure that the proposed legislation maintains women's economic security and physical safety when their intimate relationships have broken down. In addition, participants are monitoring varying levels of development in alternative dispute resolution mechanisms such as mandated mediation within their own provinces.

"I enjoyed the interaction with such a committed, knowledgeable, and experienced group of women." says Heidi Rankin, director of the PEI Advisory Council on the Status of Women. "I anticipate positive results from a more coordinated effort in the Atlantic provinces on justice and equality issues."

Contact: Heidi Rankin, Director, PEI Advisory Council on the Status of Women, PO Box 2000 (9 Queen Street), Charlottetown, PEI C1A 7N8, tel: 902 368-4510, fax: 902 368-4516,,

Media Contact: Island Information Service