The PEI ADVISORY COUNCIL ON THE STAUS OF WOMEN presented their 6th Annual Equality Recognition Awards on Monday, March 8,1999 as part of International Women's Day (IWD) celebrations. The awards recognize individuals, organizations and employers who have demonstrated outstanding contributions towards promoting the equality of women in Prince Edward Island.
1999 winners include:
Individual Recipient ~ Beth Percival
Beth Percival has demonstrated a long-standing commitment to social change and women's equality, both at UPEI and within the larger community. She has chaired, founded, co-sponsored, co-ordinated or participated in many of the initiatives that have come out of the women's movement in the past 20 years. For example: UPEI Women's Studies Program, Rape/Sexual Assault Crisis Centre, Services for Adult Survivors of Sexual Assault (SAS). Beth has always led by example and has been a role model for those who support women's equality.
Group or Organization Recipient ~ Transition House Association
Since 1980, Transition House Association (THA) has provided a place of safety for women and children who are victims of abuse. Staff of THA and Anderson House have been a resource to the Island, providing support, public education and advocacy for victims of violence and their families. Examples of initiatives: Anderson House, emergency shelter for abused women and children; crisis and support phone lines; second stage housing; outreach services.
Employer Recipient ~ Community Resource Centre, Southern Kings Health
The Community Resource Centre in Montague has organized and administered two successful Women's Health Conferences in Eastern PEI in 1997 and 1998. The conferences provided women on PEI with valuable information to help them have more control over their health. With a commitment to health promotion and illness prevention, the Centre has successfully partnered with the community to improve the health and well-being of women in PEI.
Lifetime Achievement Recipient ~ Hon. Marion Reid
Honourable Marion Reid has been a strong role model for leadership in both her official and voluntary roles for over 50 years. As a teacher, MLA, first woman Speaker in the Legislative Assembly and first woman in Atlantic Canada to hold the office of Lieutenant Governor, Marion has demonstrated her passion and commitment for a better future for women, children, families and communities in PEI and Canada.
"There are women and men across this province working hard every day to improve the status of women in Prince Edward Island" said Advisory Council Chairperson Sharon O'Brien. "We are here to honour and recognize their achievements".
Joining ACSW Chairperson Sharon O'Brien on this years selection committee were: Zelda McNevin from Women's Institute, Heather Morrison from Women's Network, Lori Kays from the business community, and Joanne Ings from Transition House Association.
"It was very inspiring for the committee to review the packages and see first hand the kind of amazing work that Islanders do in their private and public lives to advance the status of women" stated Sharon O'Brien. "The individuals and groups involved in efforts that improve the quality of life for women, carry out their work with little fanfare, profile and need for acknowledgment. They see inequality and they set out to help, either as individuals or as groups".
Awards were presented at a new site this year. The ceremony was held at the Atlantic Tourism and Hospitality Institute.
International Women's Day is the focus for this week's activities. It has been 22 years since the United Nations declared March 8 International Women's Day. It is our day to commemorate, celebrate and reflect on the achievements of women. The theme chosen by Status of Women Canada this year is "Going Strong Celebrating Older Women". This theme was chosen to coincide with the International Year of Older Persons as declared by the United Nations for 1999 which highlights the challenges and opportunities of a rapidly aging global population. Women on all continents, often divided by ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic and political differences come together to celebrate International Women's Day. It is a celebration of ordinary women as makers of history; it is rooted in the centuries-old struggle of women to participate in society and social change on an equal footing with men.
The Advisory Council still kept with tradition and co-sponsored its annual International Women's Day movie event at City Cinema on Sunday March 7. Other sponsors included Women's Network PEI, UPEI Women's Centre and UPEI Women's Studies Program.
Happy International Women's Day!
For more information, contact: Heidi Rankin, Acting Executive Director, PEI Advisory Council on the Status of Women, 902-368-4510, email