The PEI Advisory Council on the Status of Women presented their 7th Annual EQUALITY Recognition Awards on Wednesday, March 8, 2000 as part of International Women's Day (IWD) celebrations. The awards recognize individuals, organizations and employers who have demonstrated outstanding contributions towards promoting the equality of women in Prince Edward Island.
2000 winners include: Individual Recipient ~ Donna Lewis
Donna is a proud Island fisher and is a tireless promoter of the shellfishery and the key role that women play in it. She inspires others with her strong convictions. This is reflected by her action on issues affecting children, and the community they will inherit. Donna is passionately dedicated to social justice and equality for all. Her clear analysis and articulation of the issues always challenges us to take a new view and to initiate action.
Group or Organization Recipient ~ PEI Rape/Sexual Assault Crisis Centre
Since 1984, the PEI Rape/Sexual Assault Crisis centre has provided service and support to thousands of Island women who have experienced the violence of sexual assault. Staff and volunteers have given countless hours of training and education to service providers, community groups, and students, and have acted advocates for the needs of women. Abused women and children; crisis and support phone lines; second stage housing; outreach services.
Employer Recipient ~ Colonel Gray High School G.I.F.T. Program - "Graduation is For Teen Moms"
Through leadership and partnerships, Colonel Gray High School has shown initiative and commitment in developing and program of support and education for teen moms and their children. It has made asignificant contribution to the advancement of the status of teen moms in Prince Edward Island. Since 1997, Joanne Lajeunesse has coordinated the successful G.I.F.T. program, a model now being used in other Island schools.
Lifetime Achievement Recipient ~ Regena Russell
Regena is an inspiration to all those who know her. Her legal knowledge, interpersonal skills, commitment, and willingness to take action on public issues have made her a leader in the West Prince community. With a focus on business, political, and legal issues, she has been courageous in her pursuit of the advancement of women in an era of social and economic change. In her role as a feminist, Regena practices her principles by example in her community of friends, peers, students, and acquaintances with a respectful approach to understanding women's issues and interests in today's society.
"There are women and men across this province working hard every day to improve the status of women in Prince Edward Island" said Advisory Council Chairperson Sharon O'Brien. "We are here to honour and recognize their achievements".
Joining Advisory Council member Rosemary Faulkner on this year's selection committee were: Laurie Ann McCardle from Women's Network, Paula Willis from the business community, Andy Lou Somers from East Prince Women's Information Centre, and Carmella Richard from l'Association des femmes Acadiennes et Francophones de l'I-P-E.
"It was very inspiring for the committee to review the packages and see first hand the kind of amazing work that Islanders do in their private and public lives to advance the status of women" stated Rosemary Faulkner. "The individuals and groups involved in efforts that improve the quality of life for women, carry out their work with little fanfare, profile and need for acknowledgment. They see inequality and they set out to help, either as individuals or as groups".
Awards were presented at a new site this year. The ceremony was held at Kier Gallery on Richmond Street in Charlottetown.
International Women's Day is the focus of March 8th. It has been 22 years since the United Nations declared March 8 International Women's Day. It is our day to commemorate, celebrate and reflect on the achievements of women. The theme chosen by Status of Women Canada this year is "Canadian Women Taking Action to Make a Difference". This theme was chosen to highlight the important role women's organizations play in improving women's standard of living at the local, regional, national and international levels. Highlighted are the initiatives and accomplishments of women's organizations across the country in the struggle against violence and poverty. This ties into the themes of the World March of Women 2000, which was launched following the Advisory Council brown bag luncheon event.
Happy International Women's Day!
For more information, contact: Heidi Rankin 368-4510 email