Status of Women Introduces New Chairperson

Patricia Ballem from St. Nicholas, has been recently appointed as Chairperson of the Advisory Council on the Status of Women. The Council would like to introduce Patricia Ballem to you.

The Advisory Council is a nine-member advisory agency of the PEI government. The Council is mandated to advise the provincial government and bring before the public matters relating to the status of women.

See attached sheet "Who is Patricia Ballem?" for details.

For more information, contact: Patricia Ballem, Chairperson, 368-4510

Heidi Rankin, 368-4510, email

Who is Patricia Ballem?

The PEI Advisory Council on the Status of Women would like to introduce our new Chairperson, Patricia Ballem of St. Nicholas.

Patricia has served as a Council member since January, 1998. She is the mother of five children, the youngest of whom will graduate in June. Patricia has worked as a nurse, homemaker, farmer, entrepreneur, artisan, and more recently as a journalist. She is currently a freelance writer. Patricia serves on the Executive of le Federation des Femmes Acadienne et Francophone de I lle-du-Prince-Edouard, and is an executive member of the Summerside Y's Service Club. She lives with her family in St. Nicholas.

Some of Council-identified issues that Patricia Ballem would like to work on during her term:

Unpaid Work: Valuing the Contributions of Women

When women's unwaged work is left out of accepted economic measures, governments develop policies using an incomplete picture. Women at home, on the farm, in the fishery, in tourism, or those self-employed have no statistical voice. Consequently, their contribution to the economy, family and community remains unknown and their needs for services and programs remain unaddressed. During her term, Patricia plans to bring awareness of the impact of unpaid work on PEI, whether this work is in the home, in the working environment, or as a volunteer.

Gender Analysis: Considering the Impact of Policies on Women

Unless gender is taken into consideration when governments are formulating policies, women are not going to be treated equally by the system. A great deal of work has already been done in this area and Patricia's goal is to continue the work in progress.

Violence Against Women

Violence against women now costs the Canadian economy $4 billion annually in lost wages, treatment, services and lost productivity. The Advisory Council coordinates the annual Purple Ribbon Campaign Against Violence to raise awareness on this issue in PEI. During her term, Patricia will continue to work on this issue of violence against women and encourage Islanders to take a stand to bring an end to the suffering of women and children.

Wages: Women Growing Old in Poverty

Although women have equal credentials as men, they still do not earn equal pay for work of equal value. On average, twice as many women as men in full-time, year-round work earn less than $10,000 a year. Patricia will continue the work of the Council to address the issue of low wages, part-time work, and work with no pension benefits. As a result of the current situation, even more women will be living in poverty in their old age than there are now. Patricia believes being proactive on this issue now will avoid a future tragedy.

Council Awareness: Raising the Profile of the Advisory Council

Patricia hopes to bring awareness of the Council's work to the public by writing a monthly column in the local newspapers that could include questions from Islanders. As well, she looks forward to bringing the voice of Island women to any work she does on behalf of the Advisory Council. She plans to meet with the new provincial Ministers to discuss the mandate of the Council in addition to high lighting issues that affect women within government departments.

Bilingual Services: Service in Both Official Languages

The Advisory Council is a provincial agency, and as such, should endeavour to provide assistance in both French and English. Patricia will work towards having some of Council's services, such as press releases and publications, translated for the benefit of the Island's Francophone population.

Poverty and Health

Poverty is the most reliable predictor of poor health and premature death. Twenty-eight percent of Island women make under $5,000 a year. Twenty-four hundred families in PEI are headed by single mothers on social assistance. Patricia hopes that the Advisory Council can continue to advocate for these vulnerable women and their families.

PEI Advisory Council on the Status of Women, PO Box 2000, Charlottetown, PE, C1A 7N8, Tel: (902) 368-4510, email

Media Contact: Island Information Service