PEI Advisory Council Advocates for Change to Addiction Services on Prince Edward Island

The PEI Advisory Council on the Status of Women has undertaken a policy development process that will focus on a number of issues that concern Island women, and the first policy document to be released under this process concentrates on addiction services for women. In the document released today, the Advisory Council recommends changes to Provincial Addiction Services to ensure that the services provided meet the unique needs of Island women.

The Advisory Council sees a clear imbalance in how service to women with addictions is delivered compared with what research tells us their needs are. To correct this imbalance, the provincial government must move away from it's traditional approach of addictions treatment to a more holistic, women-centred service approach.

"We see that women who experience addictions are particularly vulnerable women with no voice in policy and program reform" notes Patricia Roy-Ballem, Chairperson. "As the Province is working to modify the way it delivers addiction services to Island women, the Advisory Council wants to ensure that this programming is adjusted to meet the unique needs of women, not women adjusting their needs to programming designed for males."

Through a process of research and community consultations, Council members have examined addiction services currently available on PEI in relation to research findings based on women's statistics and programming needs. It is clear that current addiction programs are not working in an equitable fashion nor does programming take into consideration the unique needs of women faced with addictions. Island women have indicated that they want programming that views them as a whole person rather than simply focussing on their addictive behaviour.

"The Advisory Council does not see a provincial service philosophy that encompasses a wide variety of views regarding addiction and its treatment" states Roy-Ballem. " Nor do we see a commitment to accessible, effective programming in all the regions. We are particularly concerned with matters at the leadership and policy levels that do not recognize the two basic realities that distinguish between female and male addicts. Women's bodies and daily lives are very different from those of men and programming must be developed to suit these specific needs of women."

The PEI Advisory Council on the Status of Women recommends that the Provincial Government:

Adopt a provincial program philosophy that recognizes the particular needs of women and their holistic treatment requirements that at least one woman who has experienced addiction and a recovery process be appointed to the Provincial Advisory Committee for Addiction Services a provincial coordinator be appointed to systematically address the barriers that prevent women with addictions from seeking help offer a full continuum of services for women in each of the five health regions that include group programs, individual counseling, drop-in counseling, and child care that is designed to help children manage during the parent's recovery

The Advisory Council on the Status of Women believes that adopting a holistic, woman-centred philosophy, giving women decision-making power, and allocating staff resources are the key elements in supporting women to recovery and working towards equity in the delivery of addiction services on Prince Edward Island.

Contact: Patricia Roy-Ballem, Chairperson, 368-4510

Heidi Rankin, 368-4510

Media Contact: Island Information Service