French Awareness Week - Acadian Flag Raising

* Provincial Affairs [to Oct 1996]
The Acadian flag will fly over the Prince Edward Island Legislative Assembly, near Provincial Government offices and in Island communities during Provincial French Awareness Week to be held this year from April 14 to 20. An official flag-raising ceremony will be held on April 16, 1996 at 12:30 at Province House in Charlottetown.

The Acadian flag is the distinct symbol of the Island's French community and therefore the common bond of Acadians and francophones during this important event. The colors of the Acadian flag are also symbolic. In fact, they represent the colors of the world's French language community which are found on the majority of the flags of French countries.

An invitation is therefore extended to all to attend this official ceremony marking the Provincial French Awareness Week. The Island population is strongly encouraged to fly the Acadian flag throughout the province during Provincial French Awareness Week.

Media Contact: Claudette Theriault