The PEI Advisory Council on the Status of Women is concerned that the Romanow Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada will not be hearing about health care in Canada from the perspective of Island women. The Advisory Council made a request to present to the Commission, but was not afforded the opportunity today.
The PEI Advisory Council on the Status of Women serves as a provincial government advisory agency dedicated to equality and supporting women's full and active participation in all spheres of life. We regard health as a gender issue and gender as a health issue.
The Advisory Council recently consulted with Island women regarding health issues and believes it is essential that their perspectives are included in the current discussions on the future of health care in Canada.
Two clear themes emerged from the discussions:
• Women's life circumstances usually result in them assuming a caretaking role. They provide direct care and they assume responsibility for the entire family's health. This role makes their views on health issues and their health care needs unique to their gender.
• Women take a broad view of health and they want their health care providers to serve them accordingly.
In addition, women recognize that their economic circumstances mean that any changes in Canada's health system will have a disproportionate effect on their lives. The Council's written submission outlines what Island women are saying about their health care needs, within the context of their roles as caretakers, their holistic approach to health, and their real life circumstances.
The Advisory Council hopes that the Commission will recognize that when it comes to health, it matters whether you are a man or a woman.
Contact Patricia Roy or Heidi Rankin, 368-4510