Cabinet To Meet Aboard Abegweit

Premier's Office
The Marine Atlantic ferry service will be ending its regular service to Prince Edward Island the end of this month with the opening of the Confederation Bridge, and the Provincial Cabinet will make a unique effort to recognize the service.

Premier Pat Binns says "As a demonstration of Islanders' appreciation for the services provided by the people of Marine Atlantic, the Provincial Cabinet will hold a formal session on board a Marine Atlantic ferry." The Cabinet has visited communities in the past, but this is the first time a formal meeting will be held on board a Marine Atlantic vessel.

Thursday, May 22, the Cabinet will hold its regular weekly meeting on board the ferry Abegweit which will be docked at Borden-Carleton before beginning its daily service.

"The name Abegweit has long been associated with year-round ferry service to our province with a ship of that name being a key part of the service since 1947. It is fitting that the Abegweit serve as host for this meeting because it is a symbol of the tradition of outstanding service provided the travelling public by the employees of Marine Atlantic."

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