Department Receives Results of Water Sample Analysis

* Fisheries, Aquaculture and Environment [to Oct 2003]
The Department of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Environment has received results of water sample analysis from three incidents of fish mortalities last month.

The water quality results reported by Environment Canada concern samples collected during the investigation into incidents of fish mortalities in the North, Wilmot, and Clyde Rivers, which were reported on July 19.

Spokesperson Bruce Raymond noted that the department is awaiting results of analysis of sediment and fish tissue samples from all of the incidents, as well as results of analysis of other water samples taken from North River.

Looking at the report to date from North River, Raymond said lab results indicate the fungicide chlorothalonil was detected in a water sample taken from a pool of standing water at the edge of a field adjacent to the stream, and in water samples taken from the stream. The incident in North River affected a 3.5-kilometre section of stream north of Route 2 in Milton. Approximately 1,500 dead fish were collected.

In the results from the incident in the Wilmot River July 19, Raymond said the Environment Canada report indicates that the insecticide azinphos-methyl was detected in water samples from the steam system. In that incident, 6,500 dead fish were collected in a four-kilometre area east of Cairns Road through Marchbank's Pond in Wilmot Valley.

Turning to the Clyde River, Raymond said the laboratory results show chlorothalonil was present in water samples taken from pools of standing water at the edge of fields adjacent to the stream. In this case, approximately 300 dead fish were collected over a 3.5-kilometre section of stream in the Kingston area.

The Department of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Environment is continuing to investigate all of the incidents of fish mortalities in cooperation with Environment Canada and the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans.

Media Contact: Bruce Raymond