The Province today announced a two-point strategy to address immediate and long-term issues surrounding the Prince County Courthouse.
Attorney General Jeffrey Lantz said the strategy reaffirms the right of disabled people to have appropriate access to the Prince County Courthouse, while recognizing the financial and logistical realities. "Firstly, and most importantly, this strategy satisfies the accessibility issue relating to the existing courthouse. Secondly, we are committed to improving our ability to deliver justice services in the community while balancing the government's large capital obligations such as the completion of the new Prince County Hospital this year," said Lantz.
The immediate component of the strategy will involve renovation of the existing Prince County Courthouse to include an elevator and related enhancements at a cost of approximately $500,000. The province is currently awaiting building permit approval from the City of Summerside.
The second component involves a comprehensive planning exercise to address long-term enhancements to community justice services in the Summerside area incorporating not only courthouse space but other assets such as correctional facilities. To aid in this effort, the Department of Transportation and Public Works will be entering into an agreement with the Summerside Regional Development Corporation to secure an option on a possible site.
"One of the practical benefits of this balanced approach is that we can improve the long-term value of an historical building like the Prince County Courthouse. Once the accessibility issue at the existing facility has been successfully addressed, we can turn our focus towards a comprehensive approach to long-term facility needs. This will enable the Province to continue to respond to community needs by stretching our limited capital dollars as far as possible through sensible planning and prudent management," said Transportation and Public Works Minister Don MacKinnon.
Summerside-St. Eleanor's MLA Helen MacDonald welcomed news of the strategy. "I am pleased to see government taking immediate steps to ensure an accessible building so that all Islanders can access the Prince County Courthouse. I am also pleased that a comprehensive approach to community justice services remains a priority. With other pressing capital needs such as the new Prince County Hospital being addressed now, I remain confident that progress will continue on a long-term plan for justice facility needs in the Summerside area," said MacDonald.
The timetable for renovations to the Courthouse is immediate, MacKinnon indicated. "We are currently resolving any remaining due diligence issues, and we have been hard at work over the last few months developing this strategy. The movement on this project is definitely in a forward direction," said MacKinnon.