Using Earth Day to highlight environmental responsibility, the Government of Prince Edward Island today released a provincial waste management strategy. Announced by Honourable Kevin J. MacAdam, Minister of Fisheries and Environment, this strategy commits the Province to reducing solid waste going to disposal by 50 per cent by year 2000. The strategy also commits the Province to the implementation of an Island-wide Waste Watch program by 2000.
"Islanders are expressing a strong concern for our environment, " stated Mr. MacAdam. "The implementation of an Island-wide source separation waste system gives everyone the opportunity to show their commitment to the future of the Island." Mr. MacAdam also announced that Government will demonstrate leadership by converting the Provincial Administration Complex in Charlottetown to a source separation system by July 1, 1997. Other government facilities will be added over the next three years.
Figures show that 100,000 tonnes of waste require disposal yearly in Prince Edward Island. About 45 per cent comes from the 45,000 households and the remainder is produced by industrial, commercial and institutional establishments. This means that each household produces approximately one tonne of waste per year.
The strategy outlines seven themes that will guide the Province as it strives to achieve a 50 per cent diversion of solid waste by year 2000. Introduction of an Island-wide Waste Watch Program is a major component of the strategy. The Waste Watch system operating in the East Prince area has shown that source separation of waste is very efficient, resulting in a 65% diversion of waste from disposal. Implementation of an Island-wide Waste Watch system is accompanied by the gradual phasing out of all community disposal and container sites. The Kings County Landfill will be closed by September 30, 1997, and by July 2000 a replacement site for the Queen County Landfill will be in operation. Interim measures will be established for the Kings County area while a new site is developed.
"A comprehensive education and public awareness program to introduce Islanders to the procedures and environmental benefits of Waste Watch will be carried out over the next three years," said Mr. MacAdam.
Under the authority of the Environmental Protection Act, the Province has created a new Prince Edward Island Waste Management Commission. The mandate of the Commission will be to plan and implement a source separation waste management program. The Commission will also design and conduct a site selection process to identify locations for composting, bulk waste disposal and recycling to serve Kings and Queen counties. An announcement introducing the members who will serve on the Commission will be released at a later date.
Responsible management, both financially and environmentally, of fewer disposal sites is also a major theme of the strategy. Legislative changes that will complement the strategy, and a full implementation of the user pay concept for waste management, are other components.
Mr. MacAdam stressed that Waste Watch will be phased in over three years and in full partnership with communities. "No decisions are going to be made without community input," said the Minister.
For more information, contact Diane Griffin, Deputy Minister, at (902) 368-5340; or Don Jardine, Director of Environmental Protection Division, at (902) 368-5035.