Minister Impressed With New Printing Equipment

The Honourable Mike Currie, Minister of Development and Technology, visited Williams & Crue Ltd. in Summerside today to view the company's new printing equipment – the only five-colour print press in Prince Edward Island. Commercial printers since 1900, Williams and Crue recently upgraded from a two-colour printer to be more competitive with off-Island presses. "This new equipment not only helps Williams & Crue compete with mainland presses, but it actually gives them an advantage," said Minister Currie. "As a result, print jobs which were once shipped off-Island can now be done here at home and Williams & Crue can compete for more out-of-province business as well."

Prior to obtaining this equipment, Williams & Crue estimated that over $1 million in commercial print work was shipped off-Island each year. The company now hopes to keep more of that work in the province which will result in the need for additional staff.

"Basically, for every $300,000 increase in revenues, Williams & Crue will require one new employee," said General Manager David Heckbert. "Since acquiring this equipment, we have already hired one new staff member."

The new printing equipment is valued at $650,000. The Department of Development and Technology provided $100,000 of assistance to the project through PEI Business Development's Enterprise Development Fund.

Media Contact: Jacinta Keough