The Second Annual Prince Edward Island Craft & Giftware Buyer's Market, recently held at the Confederation Centre, is being deemed a success by exhibitors and retailers alike. The show not only saw an increase in exhibits and buyers, but direct wholesale sales reached over a quarter of a million dollars, with many more orders expected to follow.
The PEI Craft & Giftware Buyer's Market was launched by the provincial government last year as one of several initiatives designed to promote and enhance the Island's craft and giftware industry.
"It's tremendous to see the Buyer's Market be so successful so quickly," said the Honourable Mike Currie, Minister of Development and Technology. "In only two years, this show has established itself as a quality, must-see event for retail buyers."
"Perhaps the most encouraging result was the number of off-Island buyers who participated this year and placed orders. More Island products will be featured across the Maritimes this summer as a result."
Show Coordinator, Marie Walsh of PEI Business Development, agrees that the show is earning a wonderful reputation within the industry.
"Throughout the entire weekend I was approached by buyers who were very impressed with the quality of the product being displayed at the Buyer's Market. As an organizer, this was very rewarding to hear," said Walsh. "It was even more exciting to hear from the Island exhibitors who were increasing their sales, making crucial contacts and establishing new representation across the Maritimes."
In total, over 300 buyers from across the Maritimes toured the 60 plus exhibits at the Buyer's Market. Plans are already underway for the 2003 event.