December 24, 2001 * East Prince Health Region [to Nov 2005]Staff at East Prince Health Child and Family Services have developed numerous Christmas fund raising activities to help needy families in the community. Over $1400 has been raised by staff to date along with numerous in-kind items which will be donated to families. Child and Family Services Director Margaret Kennedy said, "It's heartwarming to see the spirit and generosity of our staff at this time of year. Every day we work with families who endure unfortunate circumstances and, as in previous years, staff wanted to go that extra mile to brighten a few more family Christmases." One staff member, Kim Gallant, offered to have her long hair cut short if staff raised a minimum of $500. Staff jumped at the chance to witness the event and $560 was raised through ticket sales on a gift basket and silent auction. Other activities included pizza lunches, where staff donated money and a chicken dinner with additional proceeds going to families. Staff also donated and received new and used items from the community to distribute to families. "The effort has been quite a success in many ways – for the families who will receive the donations and for staff who benefit from working as a team with a heightened Christmas spirit," added Ms. Kennedy. Media Contact: Island Information Service