Plans for a new information technology centre for West Prince were unveiled today by Honourable Mike Currie, Minister of Development and Technology.
Future Tech West, an initiative of the O'Leary Area Development Corporation, will be located in the former McKenna's Furniture store, a 6,200 square foot building on Main Street in O'Leary.
The centre will contain state-of-the-art office space, training labs, and "smart services," including video conferencing, to assist in the development of agri-business, health care and education. The centre is designed to promote educational and training opportunities, new business creation and labour market development in the area.
Technology PEI, the Province's lead agency in the development of the technology industry, will lease one thousand square feet of space to provide an incubation program to assist in the development of new IT companies and entrepreneurs.
Along with attracting new IT businesses to the region, the centre will provide opportunities for technological advancements in agriculture, health care, fisheries and aquaculture, manufacturing and education.
"There are tremendous opportunities to utilize information technologies to create new products and services in our traditional sectors, " said Minister Currie. "It will also provide companies in the area with access to enhanced technologies, enabling them to continue to operate in a rural setting."
The new facility will be governed by the O'Leary Area Development Corporation, whose mandate is to encourage development of new and existing enterprises, services and associations in the O'Leary area. By initiating new opportunities for IT companies and educational institutions in Western PEI, the centre will be supporting the creation of sustainable employment opportunities for Islanders.
"This centre will build the bridge to link present and future generations to global communication and internet technologies," said Denton Ellis, chair of the IT Committee for the O'Leary Area Development Corporation.
The Province is contributing $164,000 to the project, while the O'Leary Area Development Corporation will be providing $50,000.