"Don't Drink and Drive!"

* Tourism [to Jan 2010]
Two programs are now underway through the efforts of the PEI Liquor Control Commission who, as part of their social responsibility program, have partnered with Students Against Drinking and Driving (SADD) in two awareness programs this Christmas season promoting this important message.

The PEI Liquor Control Commission has combined forces with SADD and students in grade five and six from over 40 schools across the Island in a program referred to as the "Liquor Bag Project" promoting the message "Don't Drink and Drive". The young students who participated wrote safe driving messages and art work on over 5,000 liquor bags to be used in PEI Liquor Stores over the Christmas season.

Greg Deighan, Minister responsible for the Commission noted, "These creative messages from the grade five and six students elevates the awareness to a new level." The minister went on to say, "The profound messages drawn by Island youngsters brings home a message that is so important to everyone. They did a great job."

The second program called the "Bookmark Program" has two objectives: one, to raise funds for SADD PEI and the other to raise awareness of the important message "Don't Drink and Drive". The bookmarks will be sold in all PEI Liquor Commission stores for $1.00 with all funds going to promote SADD activities on PEI. The bookmarks, which carry the important message "Friends Don't Let Friends Drink and Drive" may also be obtained from SADD members across the Island.

The Minister added, "I invite all Islanders to consider that if you are giving a book as a gift this Christmas that you include a bookmark or two and assist the Commission in supporting SADD and this important message "Don't Drink and Drive".

Media Contact: Frank Butler