$29,000 Awarded to Aerospace Students

Eleven students enrolled at Holland College's Aerospace and Industrial Technology Centre were presented with scholarships and bursaries today with a combined value of $29,000. In May 2001, the Provincial Government launched the aerospace scholarship and bursary program to encourage more Islanders to consider a career in the emerging aerospace industry.

The Department of Development and Technology, through Prince Edward Island Business Development, matched the $100,000 combined contribution made by private companies in the aerospace industry such as Honeywell, Atlantic Turbines International Inc., Slemon Park Corporation, Kensington Truck and Tractor Ltd., Vector Aerospace and GKN Westland Helicopters Ltd.

"The aerospace industry in PEI is worth over $100 million annually, and over 150 new jobs have been announced for the industry in the last six months alone," said the Honourable Mike Currie, Minister of Development and Technology, who was on hand for the presentations. "There's no doubt in my mind that this vibrant industry will continue to grow and flourish in PEI, which is why the Provincial Government continues to strategically invest in aerospace. However, as the industry grows, there's an increasing need for qualified personnel to fill these positions. The scholarship and bursary program is designed to encourage more people to consider a career in aerospace."

Presented to students in the Aircraft Maintenance Technology and Aircraft Gas Turbine Engine Repair and Overhaul programs, the awards ranged from $1,000 to $4,000 each. Albert Fogarty, Chair of the Holland College Foundation, spoke about the importance of scholarship programs in helping students reach their career goals.

"This scholarship program, which was established by the Provincial Government and companies within the aerospace industry, makes a difference for many of our students who otherwise would not be able to afford the program," said Fogarty.

The recipients of the five PEI Business Development Aerospace Awards were Gordon Cosman, John Gowing, Deidre Simmonds, Kent Doucette and Chad Burke. Other awards were presented to Randy Hazel, Honeywell Engines & Systems Aviation Award; Jason Reeves, Atlantic Turbines International Inc. Scholarship; Ian Cross, Slemon Park Corporation Annual Aerospace Scholarship; Charles Hutchings, Vector Aerospace Annual Scholarship; Shawn Simpkins, Kensington Truck and Tractor Ltd. Annual Scholarship and Mark Foley, Team Cormorant Scholarship

Media Contact: Jacinta Keough