November 15, 2001 * Community and Cultural Affairs [to Jun 2007]The Honourable Gail A. Shea, Minister of Community and Cultural Affairs and Minister Responsible for the Worker's Compensation Board today announced her disappointment in the injured workers' group's decision to pass up an opportunity for input into workers compensation issues. "Workers Compensation is much too important an issue to get side tracked on personal attacks instead of dealing with substantive issues facing the system," says Minister Shea. "However, I am continuing to seek input as to how the system can be improved and meet with injured workers who are anxious to share concerns and discuss possible solutions." The Minister and Deputy Minister have been working with employers, injured workers and the Workers Compensation Board to bring about improvements to the system. This is a system that is set up for the benefit of both employers and injured workers, with the Workers Compensation Board making decisions on claims as they arise. "I have been putting a lot of time into improving the system, and I remain committed to bringing forward change," says Minister Shea. "My intention is to introduce legislation during the fall sitting of the legislature to address the issues which have been brought to my attention."Media Contact: Ron MacMillan