Ling Named Medical Director

* Health and Social Services [to Nov 2005]
Health and Social Services Minister, Honourable Mildred Dover, today announced the appointment of Dr. Don Ling as Medical Director for the province.

Ms. Dover says "I am pleased Dr. Ling has agreed to accept this position. He will be providing important medical expertise as we continue to work to improve health care delivery to Islanders."

Dr. Ling has stepped down as Chairman of the Health and Community Services Agency. As Medical Director he will: provide medical leadership in planning for health programs and services; provide advice and expertise in the delivery of the Medicare program, particularly in the areas of physician services, hospital and pre-hospital care; facilitate communication with physicians and their professional associations; participate in the negotiation and payment process for physician services; and co-ordinate physician input to health program and planning activities.

Dr. Ling was born in Summerside, held a number of medical positions associated with the Canadian Armed Forces, and from 1977-1995 was a family physician practising at the Polyclinic in Charlottetown.

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