Interim Statistics and New Initiatives Unveiled at Tourism Industry Annual Meeting

* Tourism [to Jan 2010]
Tourism PEI Minister, Greg Deighan, attending the Annual Meeting of the Tourism Industry Association of Prince Edward Island, announced that a number of new initiatives for the tourism industry are underway. Reports detailing a new touring product, signage and Provincial Parks were presented and explained to industry members after months of public input and consultation.

The Annual Meeting, held at the Mill River Resort, garnered record attendance indicating a strong interest in the agenda which included preliminary statistics for the 2001 season. "We had a lot of information to disseminate today, and I am very pleased that so many of the members of TIAPEI were on hand," noted Minister Deighan. "We provided a lot of information about a number of topics, and we are hopeful that the input will continue to come forward. This information is key in our decision-making process."

The Economic Impact Survey which provides an overview of revenues and visitations for the season is still in a preliminary state. Most of the statistics provided include numbers until the end of August. Fall numbers will have to be included as soon as they are finalized. "We experienced a marginal growth for the season so far," noted the Minister, "but as we all know, the tragic events of September are going to impact on the final numbers for the year. One bright star in the statistical information is that revenues grew by approximately 12 percent, which is substantial. Apparently, with the information we have, which is collaborated by Provincial Treasury, PEI was a hot spot for spending in the 2001 season."

Visitations for the season grew by 1.45 percent, although party size decreased as in previous years. By comparison, interim statistics from neighbouring provinces indicate that they were down in visitations anywhere from 5 to 9 percent.

The Touring Product Best Practices Study conducted by Pannell Kerr Forster looked at the way the Island presents itself as a touring destination. One of the findings noted, "An effectively designed and promoted touring product could attract increasing numbers of new travellers to Prince Edward Island with demographic profiles that could help to reverse the declines experienced in 1999 and 2000". Implementation will require industry acceptance, appropriate funding, preparation of materials and effective marketing.

The Provincial Signage Study, a controversial issue for many years within the industry, provides recommendations on how to improve signage while retaining the best features of the present program. The objective was to protect the landscape, promote safety and provide an effective way-finding system. "This was a large undertaking and one that many people are keenly anticipating," noted the Minister. "The TIAPEI Annual Meeting was the perfect place to relate the conclusions of the committee and to invite response for further direction."

Another key item discussed was the ongoing Provincial Parks Review. This review of the Parks system is being carried out by Enterprise Management Consultants. The consultants provided a status report on their research. The final report is expected before Christmas.

Copies of the Signage Review Report and Touring Product can be obtained through Island Information Service, (902) 368-4000. The Economic Impact Study for 2001 will be available early in the new year.

Media Contact: Frank Butler