Freestyle Dressage Competition In Freetown

* Agriculture and Forestry [to Oct 2003]
Riders from the three Maritime provinces will be competing in a freestyle dressage competition on July 7 and 8 at Venture Stables in Freetown. The judge is Joanna Crilly from Ottawa.

Freestyle rides will be featured on Sunday afternoon. These are rides where the horse performs to music. Although the entire show is open free of charge to the public, the freestyle rides are especially beautiful to watch.

Island dressage members have been active in other competitions recently. Harma Germs from Lyndale and Martha Mellish from New Perth won the High Score coolers at the Baie Verte Dressage Show in Port Elgin recently. Mellish won her cooler when she scored 71% on Kionus, a Dutch warmblood owned by Jacob Germs from Lyndale. Harma Germs on Nandus won the High Score coolers for Junior riders.

Cindy Matheson has just returned from assisting with coaching the Canadian FEI Junior team at the North American Junior Dressage Championship show at Paxton Farms, Batavia, Ohio.

Media Contact: Wayne MacKinnon