Possible Health Risk From Pet Hedgehogs In PEI

* Health and Social Services [to Nov 2005]
As has occurred recently in some other provinces in Canada, the PEI Department of Health and Social Services is informing the public of the possible risk of illness in persons who have had contact with pet hedgehogs. The sale of hedgehogs in Canada and PEI is legal and several have been sold recently in PEI by breeders and pet stores.

Recently, a three year old child in the province was diagnosed as becoming ill due to an infection with a bacteria called Salmonella tilene. This is the first reported case of illness due to this type of bacteria in PEI. A few other cases have been reported in Canada, and the source is almost always linked to previous contact with an African pygmy hedgehog which can carry the bacteria in its intestine. A possible connection between the child who has been recently diagnosed as having Salmonella infection in PEI and a pet hedgehog is being investigated.

The symptoms of infection with any Salmonella bacteria include particularly diarrhea, but also other symptoms such as fever, abdominal cramps, and nausea. The illness can be spread to others by ingesting the bacteria after contact with infected stool. The illness tends to be more severe in children under five years of age and in senior citizens.

It is recommended that persons who have been in contact with hedgehogs be tested for Salmonella if they are presently ill with the symptoms of Salmonella infection.

Hedgehogs that are carrying the Salmonella may not be ill and may not always test positive for the bacteria. Therefore, testing the hedgehogs is not a reliable means of finding out whether or not they are infected.

The following information is important for owners, breeders, and pet store staff selling hedgehogs:

1) Anyone playing with or handling a hedgehog should be careful not to put their hands to their mouth before washing their hands.

2) Pet owners should wash out the animals' cages regularly using a solution containing chlorinated household bleach (but not ammonia which may harm the animal).

3) Breeders of hedgehogs and pet store staff are advised to change their clothes after handling the animals so as not to spread any Salmonella bacteria to their family.

Media Contact: Lamont Sweet