Prince Edward Island residents will have several opportunities to elect new regional health board members at regional annual meetings in November.
The province is now entering the second year of a three-year phased approach to move from appointed boards to combined appointed and elected regional health boards. When the transition is complete in 2001, the majority of members on each board will be elected.
At least one member will be elected and one appointed in each health region this year. Two members will be elected to the East Prince Health and Queens Region Health boards.
Each board will nominate candidates to vacant positions in the electoral zones at the regional annual meeting. Nominations will also be accepted from the floor. If more than one person is nominated for a vacant position, a voting process will be held at the annual meeting to select a candidate.
To be eligible to vote or run for election, candidates must be at least 18 years of age and a resident of the region for at least six months. Persons standing for election must currently reside in the electoral zone they wish to represent. Only current residents of that zone may vote. No membership fee is required to vote.
Appointed members will be members at large. Appointments will be made by the Lieutenant Governor in Council following the elections to balance the complement of elected members, and to ensure diverse community representation on the Boards.
Regional annual meetings will be held as follows: Southern Kings, Wednesday, November 8, 7:00 p.m., Rodd Marina Inn, Montague, an election will be held in Zone 3; Eastern Kings, Tuesday, November 21, 7:00 p.m., Rollo Bay Inn, an election will be held in Zone 3; West Prince, Tuesday, November 28, 7:00 p.m., Westisle Composite High School, an election will be held in Zone 2; East Prince, Wednesday, November 29, 7:00 p.m., Loyalist Country Inn, Summerside, elections will be held in Zone 3 and Zone 5; Queens, Thursday, November 30, 7:00 p.m., Charlottetown Hotel, elections will be held in Zone 1 and Zone 2.
Now serving the Eastern Kings Health board are Weston Rose (chair), Peter MacAdam, Freda MacKie, Hilda Rossiter, Louise MacDonald, Thelma MacDonald, and Mary MacPhee.
Current Southern Kings Health board members include Michael Gallant (chair), David White, Sherry Kacsmarik, June Glover, Sandra Myers, Tom Carver, Thelma MacLeod.
The Queens Region Health board includes Kirsten Connor, Leon Loucks, Allan Stewart, Patricia Gray, Judy Gillis, Sylvia Poirier (chair), Dr. Jim Murphy, Dr. David McKenna, Dr. Don Clark.
East Prince Health board members include Stewart Affleck, Barry Murray, Henri Gallant, Gertrude Trainor, Carol Peters, Katherine Kelly (chair), Ron Maynard, Marilyn Sark, and Maynard Schurman.
The West Prince Health board includes Richard Wightman, Robbie Thibodeau (chair), Harry MacAusland, Charles Adams, Ernest Hudson, Karen Buote and Juanita Gaudet.
For further information, please contact your Regional Health Authority, or visit the Department of Health and Social Services website at