Technology PEI and KenNet have announced a second round of funding for the Between Generations program. The program focuses on bringing young people together with older people to discuss historically significant events. The young people then create web sites based on their research.
In the first round of funding, six youth organizations received grants. They were: Cardigan CAP site, St. Peter's Junior Allied Youth Club, Charlottetown Boys and Girls Club, Kensington and Area Teen Drop-In Centre, Hunter River CAP site and Fort Augustus Tech Centre.
Applicants to the program must be a recognized youth group or affiliated with a youth group. Funding to a maximum of $5,000 will be provided to the group for the purposes of equipment purchases, staffing or other expenditures necessary to complete the work.
"This program gives young people a chance to learn more about the history and the people of the area," said Development and Technology Minister Mike Currie. "It also gives them the opportunity to develop information technology skills that help them to share Island stories with people around the world."
Once again, the program will be run with a community partner; KenNet of Kensington will provide administrative support for Between Generations.
Deadline for the current round of funding is September 29, 2000.