The 1996 Atlantic Student Drug Survey shows that alcohol, tobacco and cannabis are the three major drugs of choice among Atlantic Canadian students. More than one-half of Island students surveyed used alcohol and more than one-third used cigarettes in the past year. The survey indicates that many Island students view use of alcohol, tobacco and cannabis as a legitimate and acceptable pass time.
The survey is part of a coordinated Atlantic Canada initiative. It is the first drug survey in the Atlantic region to use a standardized protocol. It is also the first report with a focus on the consequences of drug use. For the purpose of the survey, drug use includes tobacco, alcohol, cannabis, hallucinogens, stimulants, etc.
The survey provides the best estimates available to describe the size of drug-use in the adolescent student population. It combines qualitative and quantitative methods to describe the extent and patterns of drug use among youth. The survey does not provide information on drug addiction. Comparative statistics for the Atlantic Provinces are not yet available.
More than 3,000 randomly sampled Island students in grades 7, 9, 10 and 12 completed the survey in the spring of this year. Key findings include:
- almost all use of drugs over the past year increased by grade level
- rates of drinking were similar between males and females
- females are smoking more than males at all grade levels
- since 1990, the increase in daily smokers occurs primarily in grades 10 and 12
- cannabis usage has increased, consistent with the trend in all Atlantic provinces
- use of cannabis is lower in PEI and Newfoundland than in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick
- the two most common adverse consequences resulting from these unhealthy choices are unplanned sex and driving under the influence of drugs
The survey was a joint project of the PEI departments of education and health, and the Health and Community Services Agency. As well, a number of other partners including the RCMP, schools and students were collaboratively involved in the process.
The report also contains six recommendations including:
- the Atlantic Provinces should continue interprovincial cooperation for the development of a consistent drug education curriculum
- partnerships should be developed to address the complex issues surrounding student drug use - partnerships should include youth, parents, schools, school boards, health regions and boards, policing, community groups and the PEI departments of education, and health and social services
Once the provincial government forms its new cabinet, the 1996 Student Drug Use Survey will be presented to the ministers of education and health for direction and appropriate action.
For more information contact: Lori Smith, Communications Officer, Dept. of Education, (902) 368-6449; or Jean Doherty, Communications Officer, Health and Community Services Agency, (902) 368-6257.