New Zealand Director of Reading Recovery Visits PEI

* Education [to Apr 2008]
Dr. Barbara Watson, national director of Reading Recovery in New Zealand, will be in Prince Edward Island this week to lead a full-day workshop with the Island's 27 Reading Recovery teachers and conduct two evening sessions for other Island educators.

"We are very fortunate to have Dr. Watson with us," said Education Minister Chester Gillan. "She has worked with Reading Recovery in her home country and internationally for more than 20 years. I am confident that her experience and knowledge will greatly assist our Reading Recovery teachers."

In 1998, Prince Edward Island began the implementation of Reading Recovery, an early intervention program to assist struggling six-year-old readers and writers.

Dianne Stuart, Director of the Reading Recovery Institute of Canada in Toronto, said she is very impressed with the commitment the Department of Education has shown to the program.

"The success of Reading Recovery is dependent upon the support given at all levels: ministry, district and school," said Ms. Stuart. "I commend the Department of Education for its commitment and work towards full implementation of Reading Recovery. This will help ensure that six-year-old children on Prince Edward Island most in need of this support will have access to this early intervention program."

Island teachers are also excited about the results from the program.

Liz Pendergast, a Grade One teacher at Belfast Consolidated School, noted Reading Recovery has made a direct difference for one of her students. "I was very impressed how the Reading Recovery program helped one of my students make major progress in reading and writing," said Ms. Pendergast. "The program also broadened the student's knowledge base and gave the student the confidence to become a real leader in our classroom."

While in Prince Edward Island, Dr. Watson will conduct a full-day session with Reading Recovery teachers on May 1 at Westwood School in Cornwall. That evening she will present "Developing Independent Learners" to educators at the Brothers Two in Summerside. She will give the same presentation in Charlottetown at the Holiday Inn Express on May 2.

Media Contact: Jeanette Scott