Essential Services of Provincial Government of Prince Edward Island Unaffected by Y2K Bug on First Day of Business in Year 2000

Provincial government public service staff from Tignish to Souris, Prince Edward Island returned to work today to find that essential services have not been affected by the Y2K bug.

On the first business day of work in 2000, staff of provincial government departments and agencies again checked mission critical systems and infrastructure and reported no issues to the Year 2000 Transition Management Team.

"Departments submitted mid-day reports that confirmed a smooth rollover to year 2000," reports Chris Payne, Provincial Government Year 2000 Project Coordinator. "Although the role of the Year 2000 Transition Management Team is drawing to a conclusion, provincial government staff will continue to monitor data and systems for Y2K-related incidents into the new year."

According to Minister Mitch Murphy, Department of Technology and Environment, "the efforts of staff to manage the Y2K issue are certainly paying off. Ensuring the health and safety of Islanders has been the underlying mission of the Y2K project. Given this, the benefits of preparing for Y2K certainly outweighed the potential consequences of not being prepared."

For further information about the year 2000 transition and provincial government, visit the Year 2000 Challenge Web site at, contact the provincial government Year 2000 Transition Management office at 368-6665 or send an e-mail message to

Media Contact: Verna Lynne Weeks