Findings Of PEI's First Gambling Prevalence Survey Released

* Health and Social Services [to Nov 2005]
Health and Social Services Minister Mildred Dover released today the findings of PEI's first provincial problem gambling prevalence survey. The minister advised that a treatment program is now being developed to help Islanders with gambling problems, based on the results of the survey.

The survey, The Prevalence of Problem Gambling in Prince Edward Island, was conducted this summer for the PEI Department of Health and Social Services by Jason Doiron and Dr. Richard Nicki of the University of New Brunswick.

Of the 809 Islanders surveyed, 17 percent of Islanders did not gamble, 79.9 percent did not have any problem with gambling, 3.1 percent were problem or probable pathological gamblers, and 14 percent were at risk for developing gambling problems. The results are estimated to be accurate within 3.5 percent 95 times out of 100.

The number of Islanders who participated in gambling activities in the year prior to the survey was 83 percent, compared to 87 percent in New Brunswick, and 92 percent in Nova Scotia. The total problem/pathological gambling rate in PEI was 3.1 percent, compared to 4.1 percent in New Brunswick and 3.9 percent in Nova Scotia.

The most popular gambling activities were charitable gambling (57%), lotteries (55%), pull/scratch tickets (49%), horse races (15%), cards (14%), casino slot machines (14%), video lottery terminals (13%), bingo (9%), sports lottery ( 8%), games of skill (7%), and casino table games (6.5%).

Of the 83 percent of Islanders who participated in a gambling activity in the past year, 34 percent were weekly gamblers, 23 percent were monthly gamblers, and 26 percent had gambled 1 to 10 times per year. Gamblers were more likely than non-gamblers to be male and have an income greater than $30, 000 per year.

Pathological gambling was defined according to the American Psychiatric Association as "persistent and recurrent maladaptive gambling behaviour that disrupts personal, family or vocational pursuits." Problem gamblers were identified using a standard measure, the South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS), a 20-item questionnaire designed to measure problem and probable pathological gambling. The SOGS includes questions about hiding evidence of gambling, arguing with family members over gambling, spending more time or money on gambling than intended, and borrowing money to pay gambling debts.

Problem/pathological gamblers were significantly more likely than non-problem and non-gamblers to be male, under the age of 30, not married, and unemployed. They were also more likely than non-problem gamblers to have been treated for stress-related illnesses, to have felt seriously depressed, and to have considered or attempted suicide. Problem gamblers were significantly more likely to report a problem with alcohol or drugs currently or in the past, than were non-problem gamblers. They were also more likely to report a problem with alcohol or drugs in the family than were non-problem gamblers.

Problem/pathological gamblers in PEI gamble more frequently than non-problem gamblers. They were more likely to be weekly players (71%), and were less likely to be yearly players (11%). They had their first gambling experience at an earlier age, and had participated in more types of gambling than non-gamblers.

The highest rate of problem/pathological gambling was found among video lottery terminal players (13.6%), card players (11.5%), bingo players (8.7%), casino slot machine players (8.5%), and horse race bettors (7%).

Minister Dover advised that the study was conducted as part of the new provincial addictions plan to enhance and increase addictions services available to women, youth and problem gamblers.

"The study found that although gambling is a popular activity on Prince Edward Island, most people do not experience gambling problems. However, for a small percentage of respondents, gambling has become a problem," she said." Now, for the first time, we have reliable data to describe the involvement of Islanders in gambling activities. We will use this information to establish a treatment program for Islanders currently experiencing problems, and to develop prevention and education programs for Islanders at risk for developing gambling problems. Prevalence and programs will continue to be monitored so we can meet changing needs."

The minister advised that a provincial gambling treatment program will be established in the new year for problem/pathological gamblers and families who are affected. It will offer two levels of intervention through residential and day-services. The provincial program will include modularized components which can be delivered in the health regions. A diverse range of services will be offered including individual counselling, group therapy, spousal programs, family therapy, relapse prevention, after-care and long term follow-up.

The program will be based on a cognitive-behavioural model. The treatment philosophy will follow an abstinence model, advocating a gambling-free lifestyle for pathological gamblers.

Media Contact: Jean Doherty