A new cooperation development proposal to be submitted by Acadian entrepreneurs to the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), holds the promise of developing the Ivory Coast nation's cultural tourism industry, smart communities and cooperative entrepreneurship, and creating new links with the Acadian community.
The proposal was an outcome of last week's meeting in Mont Carmel of a group of innovative Acadian entrepreneurs, officials from the Bureau francophone de la coopération internationale (Francophone International Cooperation Bureau) and the Honourable Don MacKinnon, Minister of Development. The group was supported at last week's meeting by counterparts from across Canada, including Michel Delorme of the Cooperation Bureau.
The cooperation project submitted to CIDA targets four projects identified by "Uniglocal,"a local action group comprised of Acadian entrepreneurs and officials from the province's Francophone Affairs Division. Uniglocal, the PEI Government, the Societe de developpement de la Baie acadienne and the Société Nationale de l'Acadie are collaborating to submit the Ivory Coast-Prince Edward Island Cooperation Proposal to CIDA. Contributing to the proposal's development from the Ivory Coast side were the Ivory Coast's ambassador to Canada, the Ivory Coast Department of Tourism and Crafts and representatives of the Ivory Coast municipalities of Sakassou and Agnibélikrou.
Ivory Coast's ambassador and Minister of Tourism and Crafts have had positive discussions about developing the Ivorian cultural tourism industry, with, among others, PEI's Minister responsible for Francophone Affairs, Mitch Murphy. In addition, the partners to the talks endorsed the creation of an Acadian, non-governmental agency structure that will facilitate the exchange of Acadian expertise with the Francophonie.
Don MacKinnon, Minister of Development, says the meeting in Mont Carmel has produced a strong cooperation proposal for consideration by CIDA. "The partners are hopeful that the proposals, with CIDA's endorsement, will provide Acadians and other Islanders with mutually beneficial opportunities to develop strong commercial and cultural ties between the Ivory Coast and Canada. This cooperation initiative offers a win-win outcome for all of the partners."
For more information contact: Daniel Bourgeois at (902) 368-6503