Statement From Workers Compensation Board Chairman, Hon. James M Lee

I am pleased today to announce the release of an operational overview of the Workers Compensation Board, prepared by Baker Consulting of Charlottetown. It has been a year and a half since I, and my colleagues on the Board, accepted the invitation of Government to serve as Directors. After an initial period of study and assessment, and with the appointment of a new C.E.O. last fall, we recognized the need for some change. About five years ago there had been major changes in legislation governing the operation of the Board, and it seemed the organization had not changed to keep up with its new mandate. We were also aware of concerns expressed among both employers and employees about different aspects of the Board's operation.

Terms of reference were developed for an operational review. After a public proposal call, the assignment was awarded to Baker Consulting of Charlottetown. Their report was submitted to the Board in early May. We have been carefully studying it since that time and are pleased to release the information today to the general public, and especially the employers and employees for whom the Board exists.

In releasing the report, I wish to indicate our pleasure at the comprehensive nature of the review. We have accepted the report for the most part, and will be proceeding to implement its recommendations, paying careful attention to the dual need for improved client service, and for prudent management of the financial resources of the Board.

In this regard we wish to announce today that the organization of the Board will be streamlined to reflect the objectives of a more focused management team. The current six divisions of the Board will be re-organized into three divisions.

A new division of Corporate Services will be created to integrate the operations of the current information technology and finance and administration divisions. In addition, the current employer services division will form a part of the new division. This move is designed to create efficiencies in the management of the Board by integrating all aspects of financial management including services to employers who fund the Board's operations.

The existing Client Services Division will be re-engineered in a comprehensive way with three objectives, including improving the level of services to clients, enhancing the focus on rehabilitation and early intervention, and adopting a team approach to client service.

The existing Occupational Health and Safety Division will remain essentially as it is, with the addition of some support staff. Attempts will be made to integrate its operations more closely with those of the rest of the Board.

In making this announcement, I would like to note that there will also be further information available as soon as the key staff appointments are made and an implementation force begins its work. I want to thank all the people who cooperated in the review process, especially the clients, employers, and staff; all of whom made a very important contribution to the review. We are firmly committed to meaningful change in the direction proposed from the review process.

Media Contact: Island Information Service