P.E.I. Fisheries and Tourism Minister Kevin MacAdam today released preliminary landing figures as compiled by his Department, for the Spring lobster season in Areas 24 and 26A.
The figures indicate that landings in Area 24 along the North Shore of PEI totalled 10.9 million pounds, almost identical to the landings in 1998. In Area 26A, in the Southeastern Northumberland Strait, a decrease of 16% was experienced from last year with landings of 3.7 million pounds down from 4.4 million pounds in 1998.
"The overall spring production of 14.6 million pounds from both areas is a decrease of 4.5%," said the Minister. "I am pleased to see the landings holding steady on the North side, but I am concerned about the decrease in the Northumberland Strait," said the Minister.
"Landings from 1986 to 1991 in Area 26A averaged 8.3 million pounds, but since 1992 landings have reduced to an average of 4.6 million pounds," said the Minister.
The Minister noted that there was a reduction in the amount of unprocessed canner lobster leaving PEI in 1999 of 5% over 1998 and 3.7% over 1997. As well, the increased importation of lobsters for processing from other fishing areas in the Maritimes as well as the State of Maine has resulted in an increase of lobster processing activity in Island plants concluded the Minister.