Prince Edward Island Unveils Mobile Tourism Booth For Francophone Summit

* Fisheries and Tourism [to May 2000]
An information booth promoting Island tourism will be displayed at various events in the province of New Brunswick this summer in relation to the Francophone Summit.

The mobile display booth was unveiled today by Premier Pat Binns and the Honourable Kevin J. MacAdam, Minister of Fisheries and Tourism at the Visitors' Information Centre in Charlottetown.

Developed by the Société Saint-Thomas-d'Aquin, the booth will serve as a marketing tool to promote Island tourist attractions and entice tourists from other provinces to visit Prince Edward Island.

The Honourable Kevin J. MacAdam, Minister of Fisheries and Tourism, thanked the Société for their efforts to create this new marketing tool. "On behalf of the government of Prince Edward Island I would like to commend the Société Saint-Thomas-d'Aquin and its chairperson, Antoine Richard, for their leadership in organizing this creative display."

One of the events where the Island promotional booth will be set up is at the Village de la Francophonie to be held in Dieppe, New Brunswick from September 1-5. The display will highlight Prince Edward Island as a prime vacation destination by increasing awareness of summer activities and the Island's pristine physical environment.

For more information contact: Edgar Arsenault, tel: (902) 436-4881

Media Contact: Island Information Service