Forestry Buffer Zones To Be Implemented Soon

The Legislative Assembly, in passing the amendments to the Environmental Protection Act, has cleared the way to establish 20 and 30 metre stream buffer zones in forested areas as soon as the Act is proclaimed.

"The establishment of forested zones along all streams will help protect our soil and water and make excellent habitat for wildlife," said Technology and Environment Minister Mitch Murphy. "The amendments reflect the recommendations of the Round Table on Resource Land Use and Stewardship which stressed the need for healthy and diverse forested buffers."

Under the amendments, woodlot owners can only carry out selective harvesting within 20 metres of a stream where the slope of the land is less than nine percent and within 30 metres where the slope of the land is more than nine percent.

"Woodlot owners and harvest contractors can still harvest along streams as long as they don't remove more than 33 percent of the standing trees in any 10-year period," said Agriculture and Forestry Minister Eric Hammill. "This will allow woodlot owners to cut mature trees and also leave some trees to protect Prince Edward Island's water, soil and wildlife habitat."

Mr. Hammill said that his department will offer woodlot owner and harvest contractors education programs to ensure the forest sector understands the environmental, economic and social values of healthy forested buffer zones.

Mr. Murphy said the establishment of forested buffer zones will reduce steam contaminants and result in significant benefits to fish and shellfish habitats, along with significant other environmental benefits.

Media Contact: Clair Murphy