Five private sector teams responded to the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for potential partners to develop the East Prince Health Facility. The RFQ closed May 11, 1999 at 3:00 p.m.
The five teams who responded to the request were:
East Prince Development Corporation
East Prince Health Consortium
East Prince Partnerships Ltd.
Ashford Investments Inc
Atlantic Health Group
The teams include prime partner companies with a diverse range of expertise in areas such as construction, property management, architectural design, technology, equipment and finance.
The prime and associate companies identified on the teams have a significant concentration from Prince Edward Island, the Maritime Provinces and representation from other areas of Canada.
The next step in the RFQ process will be to assess the submissions for completeness and the complete submissions will advance to the evaluation process beginning next week.
The evaluation process is expected to be completed in June.
Five evaluation teams are in place to assess proposals in such areas as financial expertise and capacity, designs and construction, operations, economic benefits, human resources and community relations.
Evaluation team members include representation from the Community, the Board, the Foundation, municipal representatives, as well as representatives of East Prince Health and various Government departments.
During the evaluation process there will be a presentation and interview process available to the proponents.
The results of the RFQ evaluation will be used as the basis for a decision on the next phase of the Project.
For more information, contact Herman McQuaid, Project Manager, 902 368-4995.