Today, the PEI Association for Newcomers to Canada (PEIANC) in collaboration with the Department of Workforce and Advanced Learning is hosting an Alternate Careers Day. This event will bring together newcomers, employers, and industry representatives to discuss ways newcomers can explore alternate careers, and the ways their skills can be of benefit to the Island labour force.
Alternate Careers Day will connect newcomers to unfilled career opportunities that are currently available in Prince Edward Island. The event will also provide information to newcomers about applying their transferrable skills to Canadian career options. Newcomers will have the opportunity to network in various sectors, including bioscience, IT, healthcare, and the trades. Island employers will be onsite to connect with skilled workers and showcase their organizations to newcomers.
Jennifer Jeffrey, the Coordinator of Employment Assistance Service at PEIANC, is thrilled to be bringing this networking event to her team’s clients. “Newcomers to Canada possess talents and accreditation in a variety of professional fields. They have cross-cultural skills and the expertise to fill labour market gaps on PEI. Everyone benefits when they consider alternative careers that match with their employment history. Sometimes exploring a new career path makes a great deal of sense in a new country.”
Unlike a typical job fair, the Alternate Careers Day event offers employers and newcomers a place to meet and discuss local labour market opportunities in an informal setting. The event will feature guest speakers, round-table discussions, networking sessions, information booths, and specialized separate workshops for employers and newcomers.
“Our Province’s sustainable economic growth is contingent upon our ability to grow our population, expand our workforce, and increase the number of skilled workers attached to the labour market,” said Minister Richard Brown, Workforce and Advanced Learning. “It is vital that we enable our skilled newcomers to maximize their contributions to PEI’s labour market through events like Alternate Careers Day.”
For more information on Alternate Careers Day, please contact Jennifer Jeffrey at 902-628-6009.