A newly revised traffic control manual will help protect the safety of workers, motorists and bystanders at highway construction sites across Prince Edward Island, says Transportation, Infrastructure and Energy Minister Paula Biggar.
“Our provincial government is making significant investments in provincial infrastructure so that people and goods can move safely and efficiently around our Island. The new PEI Temporary Workplace Traffic Control Manual provides guidelines for protecting workers in construction or maintenance zones and for providing safe movement of vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians,” said Minister Biggar.
When construction or maintenance activity interrupts the normal flow of traffic, temporary traffic control provides for continued movement and for access to nearby properties. The PEI Temporary Workplace Traffic Control Manual sets minimum standards for construction, maintenance, and utility work on or by roads.
“Whenever we have people working in and around traffic, there is potential for accidents or injuries. This manual set minimum standards for signage and notification around road construction sites, but we expect that work crews will keep safety in the forefront at all times. Work should never occur if the safety of either workers or the public is compromised,” said the minister.
The new Traffic Control Manual was revised by a team that includes 13 people experienced in road construction, including engineers, managers and technicians from TIE and safety personnel from the Workers Compensation Board.
Copies of the new PEI Traffic Control Manual are available at: http://www.gov.pe.ca/photos/original/trafficcont_cr.pdf